this morning i sat at the cafe with the morning paper and played
through exactly three hands of calculation before getting out the
tarot deck.
number of times i have brought the deck and a notebook to this cafe
and left them in the bag. today, a different table, facing a
different direction.
aside. one of these days i want to write a separate post entirely on
the subject of "will," asking the [cartesian skeptic] to
reflect for a moment on the processes that operate at or just above
the autonomic level, not quite subconscious but nearly so.
of course, the control of which is often used as a path to meditative
states. but also the finer motor actions involved in bringing the
coffee cup to your lips, sipping, swallowing, putting the cup back
onto the table, picking up the cards, shuffling, dealing them out.
on a gross scale, of course, these are consciously directed, but the
minute details are so habitual that they have slipped below
am asking you to bring them forward. watch your hands as you
shuffle. maybe close and open your eyes at intervals to introduce a
sort of stop motion visualization to it. see it as a film in which
you are the observer but not the actor. stop talking to yourself.
three cards.
morning they were the knight of swords, reversed, flanked on the left
by the six of swords, also reversed, and on the right by (12) the
hanged man.
and water compatible, so the knight, albeit reversed, is well
dignified. in my notebook i wrote "writer's block." the
six suggesting a shift in my way of thinking about the problem.
hanged man of course major, suggesting a surrender, a letting go.
so we begin.
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